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Tsaregradskaya Tatyana

ISSN 2308-1333

Prof. Tatyana Tsaregradskaya, D.A.
The Gnessins Music Academy of Russia, Analytical Musicology Department

Music at the Period of Post-Postmodernism


In the framework of the round-table, leading researchers of contemporary music from Russia and France, such as L. Akopyan, I. Stoianova and T. Tsaregradskaya, discuss the features of music culture at the period of post-postmodernism: the changes in the requirements for a professional composer, blurring the boundaries between modernism and postmodernism etc.


modernism, postmodernism, metamodernism, modern music, Neue Musik

Music of the 21st century: first results


The theme of the round table focused on the music of the first 18 years of the 21st century. The main directions of contemporary art — avant-garde, postmodernism, as well as the features of the new worldview, expressed in the sphere of space-time organization and principles of form-building of musical compositions, were discussed.



Music of the 21st century, avant-garde, postmodernism, features of form-building in modern music, space and time in modern compositions.

On certain trends in the studies of the twentieth-century music in Europe and in Russia

A situation with regard to the studying of the twentieth-century music in both Russian- and English-speaking musicologists’ works is analyzed in the article. It is emphasized that, in terms of studying this particular trend, Russian musicology has still been staying behind due to political and ideological restrictions of the Soviet period. A survey of some contemporary Russian and foreign researches about the twentieth-century music, as well as that of some important international musicological conferences, is introduced.

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