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Lesovichenko Andrey

ISSN 2308-1333

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Ph.D. in Art Studies, Professor of the Department of Folk Artistic Culture and Music Education of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Siberian State Transport University


Aspects of Blasphemy in Soviet Music


The article analyzes an actual, but still insufficiently developed in modern music-historical studies topic. The atheistic worldview determined the ideological attitudes of Soviet society for more than one decade, but it was not significantly reflected in the art of that time. In musical works, this issue was rare. But a number of composers did focus their attention on atheistic "subjects".


Soviet music, anti-religious propaganda, atheism in music, G. N. Ivanov, A. P. Petrov, V. A. Usovich, A. Viach. Novikov

The Foreign Music History Department of the Moscow Conservatory at the Turn of the Century: the 75th Anniversary of Mikhail Alexandrovich Saponov


For more than 30 years, the Department of the History of Foreign Music of the Moscow Conservatory has been headed by Doctor of Art History, Professor M. A. Saponov. A major researcher of European music of different times, a talented translator, an enthusiastic teacher, he also proved to be an excellent organizer, who managed not only to preserve, but also to promote the multiplication of the creative achievements of his department.


Konstantin Vladimirovich Zenkin — Music Historian, Aesthetician, Pianist

The article is dedicated to the eminent person of modern music culture of Russia — K. V. Zenkin — whose 60th anniversary is celebrated this year. The musicologist-researcher, the lecturer, the mentor of young researchers, the performing musician, the vice rector for research, Zenkin actively participates in development of the academic musical culture of modern Russia and establishment of the international cultural ties.

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