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Zubova Olesya A.

ISSN 2308-1333

Teacher at the Children’s Music School named after M. I. Glinka (Samara urban okrug)

Composition and Drama Role of the Voice in the Following Instrumental Works by Nikolai Korndorf: Canzone Triste for Harp (1998), Chamber Symphony Confessiones for 14 performers and tape recording (1979), Quartet for two violins, viola and chello (1992)


In composition techniques used by Nikolai Korndorf there is an interesting and unusual role attached to the human voice in some of his instrumental works. The article briefly discusses three works in which this use of human voice correlates with the dramaturgy concept, and also cites several statements by Korndorf and his widow Galina Yurievna Averina about special features used in the composer's techniques as well as performance details that play important role in analyzing his works.


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