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Porshnev Ivan D.

ISSN 2308-1333

3rd Year Student at the Faculty of Musicology and Composition of Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Specialization – Musicology, Research Supervisor – Assoc. Prof. A. V. Bulycheva, Ph.D.)


«Pas d’Acier» by S. Prokofiev in USSR (1927–1932): the History of a Stage Fate


The article is devoted to the history of Sergey Prokofiev’s ballet «Pas d’acier» in USSR (1927–1932). The main conception of the investigation is the large-scale reconstruction of the history of the «Pas d’acier» stage fate in Prokofiev’s motherland. This story mirrors the tendencies and the spirit of time, and it is one of the most brilliant examples of the political about-face on the cusp of the 1920s and 1930s in Soviet cultural life.



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