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Teplova Anna

ISSN 2308-1333

Graduate student of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Director — Dr. Habil., Prof. T. S. Kyuregyan), musical teacher of theoretical disciplines at the Children’s School of Arts, Krasnozmensk, Moscow region


In Search of Genre Boundaries of the Motet (Following the Monograph by Julie E. Cumming)


The problem of genre attribution is extremely acute for the Du Fay motet. In J. Cumming's monograph the “method of analogies” developed in literary studies is transferred to musical soil. The analytical positions established by her are practically shown by the author of the article in the Du Fay motet in comparison with the music of other composers.



15th century motet, early Renaissance motet, genre evolution, biological analogies, family metaphor, Julie E. Cumming, Du Fay


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