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Chigareva Evgeniya

ISSN 2308-1333

Homonymous Terms in Musical and Philological Studies


The article is devoted to the comparison of terminology in music and literature. Despite the commonality of many terms, they often have different meanings, in other words, they are homonymous terms (E. G. Etkind). Such phenomena may arise because of the parallelism of the arts, and as a result of the interaction of the two humanities (musicology and philology), but also because of the analogies used by researchers trying to bring together music and literature.

“An Alien Word” in the Composer's Work: Alfred Schnittke and Nikolai Korndorf


In the present article, the author attempts to apply M. M. Bakhtin's philological concept of “an alien word” to the art of music (that is quotes, quasi‑quotes, allusions, symbolic motifs, monograms). As an example, the are considered. The listed phenomena are associated with polystylistics in music, and, more generally, with the concept of intertextuality.

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