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Veksler Yulia

ISSN 2308-1333

Delayed Premieres


The topic for discussion of the leading musicologists-historians S. I. Savenko, L. V. Kirillina, Yu. S. Veksler was the phenomenon of “delayed premieres” in world culture, when the opus was first presented to the public much later than the time of the end of work on it. The problem is considered in a broad cultural aspect, since such a reinterpretation of cultural events when they fall into a different historical environment is a fairly common phenomenon.

Music and revolution of Erwin Schulhoff: from Dada to “The Communist Manifesto”

The article concerns the Czech composer and pianist Erwin Schulhoff (1894 – 1942). His fate is typical for the second generation of the representatives of the New music who started their career after the First World War. Unlike the pre-war avant-garde the younger generation wasn’t hiding its left-wing views which were often being associated with the “Musikbolschewismus”.

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