“Energeticism” as a trend of the twentieth-century music analysis
ISSN 2308-1333
“Energeticism” as a trend (A. Halm, A. Schering, E. Kurth, H. Mersmann and others) was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by German-speaking authors. This concept presented music as a phenomenon of energetics and became highly influential for the Russian and Soviet school of music analysis featured by B. Asafyev’s works. In the context of the later twentieth-century music theory within J.-J. Nattiez’s typology of analytical methods “energeticism” may be treated as an “immanent” and “linear” phenomenon. The newest approaches based on cognitive science (presented by S. Larsen) allow us to perceive “energetics” as a metaphor describing not so much the very music but our attitude towards it.
Energeticism, E. Kurth, B. Asafyev, typology of analytical methods, J.-J. Nattiez