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From the history of ASM-I: “contemporaneity”

ISSN 2308-1333


The prerequisites for the evolution of the Association for Contemporary Music (ACM) movement are traced in this article. ACM became the practical embodiment of the idea of “contemporaneity”, which was born in the depths of the Silver Age and became dominant in Russian academic musical culture throughout the first third of the 20th century. It is proved that the basic principles of “new music" were formed from the first concerts of the “Evenings of Modern Music” in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and in the activities of the magazine “Music” by V. V. Derzhanovskiy, in the concept of Russian symphonism by N. Y. Myaskovskiy. The goals and objectives of the first ACM (1919), the work of the Second one (1923) and the structure of the Third, which became the All-Russian Society of Contemporary Music, are presented. The principles of the functioning of Leningrad organizations are studied: “Muzprop” (1922), “Petromuzintern” (1922). In the USSR in 1920, there were three independent regional AСMs: in Moscow, Leningrad and Kharkov.


The Silver Age, contemporaneity, ACM, V. Derzhanovskiy, N. Myaskovskiy, L. Sabaneev
