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On the Term “Leitmotiv” and Its Synonyms in V. D’Indy’s Terminological System

ISSN 2308-1333

The article considers the interpretation of the term “Leitmotiv” and leitmotiv technique by Vincent d’Indy, the famous French Wagnerian. Two views on the phenomenon of the leitmotiv and two terminological systems are compared: from the one hand, Wagner’s concepts “melodischer Moment” and “Gefühlswegweiser”; from the other hand, a variety of definitions, which are used by d’Indy in his theoretical works. The practical embodying of the leitmotiv method is analyzed in terms of the opera «L’Étranger».

Leitmotiv, Richard Wagner, «melodischer Moment», Vincent D’Indy, «L’Étranger»
