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Solo Organ Sonata in the Works of C. Ph. E. Bach: Between Baroque and Classicism

ISSN 2308-1333


The object of research analysis in the article concerns six sonatas for solo organ by C. Ph. E. Bach, including details of the history of their creation. The works are considered in the aspect of poetics and stylistics of the German version of the gallant style that spread in European musical art from the second third of the 18th century – Empfindsamkeit. An independent subject is the history of the creation of compositions connected with the musical side of the life of the Prussian princess Anna Amalia, sister of Frederick the Great. The works of C. Ph. E Bach is one of the important stages in the development of the solo organ sonata.



C. Ph. E. Bach, solo organ sonata, Gallant style, Empfindsamkeit, Anna Amalia
