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G. Schröder. "Rhythm & Meter in Sigfrid Karg-Elertʼs Work"

ISSN 2308-1333

Dr. Gesine Schröder is professor for music theory at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna and at the University for Music and Drama "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig. She studied in Berlin (i.a. with Dieter Schnebel and Carl Dahlhaus). As a visiting lecturer Schröder taught in Beijing, Oslo, Paris, Poznań, Santiago de Chile, and Wrocław. Schröder is especially interested in the theory and practice of orchestration, counterpoint around 1600, gender studies (centered on men’s choir research), and the history of music theory. Her last publications concern Igor Stravinskij's and Gérard Grisey's last works, the theory of conducting, and orchestral practices in the late 19th century

Sigfrid Karg-Elert is well known as a polaristic theorist who adhered more closely to the theory of A. v. Oettingen than Riemann did. Alongside his theoretical works about harmony, Karg-Elert also aimed to deal with musical elements such as form, rhythm and meter. But these attempts convey no more than sketches and airy hints.
The contribution concentrates on the question of how Karg-Elert would have elaborated a theory of rhythm and meter. The (re)construction of his thoughts in this direction begs an explication of contemporary theories and their possible connection with Karg-Elert (e.g. Gustav Becking, Ernst Kurth, Paul Schenk, and Fritz Reuter).
Finally, the relationship of Karg-Elert’s rhythmic-metrical thinking to that of Riemann’s—his powerful rival in Leipzig—is hypothetically suggested through an analysis of Karg-Elert’s compositions.

Key words
Becking, Gustav; Karg-Elert, Sigfrid; Kurth, Ernst; Reuter, Fritz; Riemann, Hugo; Schenk, Paul; metre; rhythm; polarism; dualism.