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Prof. Evgeny Nazaykinsky

ISSN 2308-1333

Prof. Evgeny Nazaykinsky, D.A. (1926–2006)

Head of the Music Theory Department of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (1974–1996)


The Music Theory Department [of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory]



The first publication of the department head’s report on the operation and development of the department from 1966 till 1991. Personnel. Range and topics of the researches. Achievements resulted by an essential turn of music theory subjects towards music history, by reconsideration of the boundaries of music theory, as well as by the deepening of researchers’ philosophical and aesthetical interests. Results of instructional researches. Description of contradictions between the contemporary systems of musicological knowledge and educational subjects. The necessity of introducing new educational subjects. The schools of such prominent music theorists as: Stepan Grigor’yev, Yury Kholopov, Valentina Kholopova, Leo Mazel’, Vyacheslav Medushevsky, Theodor Müller, Evgeny Nazaykinsky, Vladimir Protopopov, Sergey Skrebkov, Viktor Tsukkerman.



Music Theory Department of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory,

closer attention to the historical component in the scientific and research activities of the Music Theory Department,

reconsideration of the boundaries of music theory,

philosophical and aesthetical interests of researchers,

schools of music theorists at Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory,

Stepan Grigor’yev, Yury Kholopov, Valentina Kholopova, Leo Mazel’, Vyacheslav Medushevsky, Theodor Müller, Evgeny Nazaykinsky, Vladimir Protopopov, Sergey Skrebkov, Viktor Tsukkerman.