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Amrakhova Anna

ISSN 2308-1333

Associate professor of the Music Theory Department of Mikhail Glinka Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory, Head of the Research Analytics Department of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Russia’s Music Theory Society

Четверть века в фарватере Новой музыки, или Музыка ХХI века — взгляд изнутри


Vladimir G. Tarnopolsky, professor of composition at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, is talking about the establishment of the ensemble of soloists ‘Studio for New Music’ (1993), the leading ensemble of modern music in Russia, and its main goals. The activity of such departments of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory as the Center for Contemporary Music, the Contemporary Music Department and the ‘Studio for New Music’, established with the direct participation of Tarnopolsky, is considered by the interviewee in the broader cultural context.


Music of the 21st century: first results


The theme of the round table focused on the music of the first 18 years of the 21st century. The main directions of contemporary art — avant-garde, postmodernism, as well as the features of the new worldview, expressed in the sphere of space-time organization and principles of form-building of musical compositions, were discussed.



Music of the 21st century, avant-garde, postmodernism, features of form-building in modern music, space and time in modern compositions.

Register of Our Delusions. Part 2: conversations with composers (presenter — A. A. Amrakhova)

A. A. Amrakhova's questions are answered by the leading Russian composers: V. G. Tarnopolskiy, Yu. S. Kasparov, Yu. V. Vorontsov, F. K. Karayev, K. A. Umanskiy, D. A. Kurlyandskiy. The discussion is focused on the problems of composition teaching in a contemporary cultural situation, the changed scale of values, and the specifics of the composers‘ analysis of music.

contemporary music, avant-gardism, postmodernism, composition teaching, the musicologist’s and composer’s analysis, traditions and epigonism in art

Register of Our Delusions (conversations and reflections concerning Russian musicology, presenter — A. A. Amrakhova)

Prominent Russian musicologists L. O. Akopyan, M. A. Saponov, R. A. Nassonov and K. V. Zenkin in their conversations with A. A. Amrakhova discuss the problems that are topical for contemporary musicology in Russia: the special musicological methods of research, the latest trends in humanitarian methodology, the discrepancy of the classical analytical apparatus with contemporary musical art. In an attempt to answer the question “What theories and ideas deserve today a serious reassessment?” — a “register of our delusions” is created.

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