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Kouprovskaia Ekaterina

ISSN 2308-1333

"My Music Sings"


Ekaterina Kuprovskaya talks with the young composer François Meïmoun about the study of Boulez's early work and the role of the French master in the musical culture of France, about the current situation in this area. François Meïmoun talks about the role of text and poetry in his work, about melodism in modern music, as well as about his own interpretation of traditional genres.



François Meïmoun, Pierre Boulez, Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy, French modern music

“To Represent the Time of Today”


In the interview with E. O. Kuprovskaya, the French composer Raphaël Cendo talks about his creative searches and aspirations, about the role of the text and its interpretation in his compositions, about the rejection of rational principles of composition and about the specifics of his creative methods. Raphaël Cendo comments on the transformations that have taken place in his work over the past 10 years, in particular, changes in the concept of “saturation music" and its new forms.



“I prefer a natural sound”


In the interview with E. O. Kuprovskaya, the French composer André Bon describes the details of his training with O. Messiaen and his work in the studio of P. Schaeffer, talks about the cultural and historical situation during the years of his creative formation and about his aesthetic influences, reveals the peculiarities of his approach to composition and speaks about the situation of modern music.



“To Create a Sensation of Continuum”


In a conversation with E. Kouprovskaia, the French composer Philippe Leroux recalls his work at the IRCAM, and the creative spirit that reigns there. The composer also talks about the process of composing music, which he interprets as a preliminary “vision” of the sound stream and giving it an energetic, or morphological, logic, and explains his increased interest in letters as the conceptual basis of musical composition. Leroux shares his experience of teaching composition and expresses his optimism about the social position of a composer in France.

“To hear what you write”


In a conversation with E. Kouprovskaia, the French composer Philippe Hurel characterizes some features of his style. As a follower of the spectral school, he pays serious attention to working with timbre, while he tries to make his works not to be similar to each other. He describes in detail the features of his creative style, which are manifested in the mixing of electronics with natural sound, in the non-standard use of morphing techniques.

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