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Metadiscourse of modern musical culture of Russia (discussions on Webern)

ISSN 2308-1333


The collection of materials introduces two interviews with the composers R. Ledenev and E. Denisov about A. Webern's oeuvre. Conducted by V. Tsypin in 1988, the interviews have never been published. The issues of the Russian avant-garde, the perception of Webern's music then and now are discussed by the composers K. Umanskiy, Yu. Vorontsov, the musicologist K. Zenkin. The importance of Webern's oeuvre for the world culture, the uniqueness of Russian way in the music history is in the focus, as well as the issue of continuity of traditions and originality of the contemporary composers' oeuvre.



A. Webern, E. Denisov, R. Ledenev, traditions and novelty, music avant-garde, peculiarities of Russian avant-garde in the 20th century art
