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The principles of Formbildung in Gregorian chant in view of the system of its melodic idioms

ISSN 2308-1333

Mutual relations between the Formbildung and the modal structure of Gregorian chant are considered in the article, as exemplified in the Franciscan handwritten graduals. It is suggested that melodic idioms of the most ancient corpus of Gregorian chants be searched within the frameworks of the liturgical tradition of the Franciscan Order (the list of the melodic idioms is attached). The results of the analysis reveal some natural relations between the melodic idioms and the structure of Gregorian chants, as well as allow to comprehend the principles of their verbal text and music correspondence from a new angle.

Gregorian chant, modal structures and melodic idioms of medieval music, handwritten graduals, the liturgical tradition of the Franciscan Order

