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Genre invariance in the work of P. Hindemith

ISSN 2308-1333


Hindemith is one of the most “genre” composers of the twentieth century. His works present invariant models of various genres. The most important role in Hindemith's major works is played by the passacaglia, which is often used in the final sections of large works. On the example of the finales of two of his operas, “Cardillac” and “Harmony of the World”, we offer an examination of the genre invariant of the passacaglia. In the opera “Cardillac” the passacaglia is included in the active action, embodying the hero's clash with the crowd and his death; in the final passacaglia of “Harmony of the World” the grandiose musical fresco represents the symbolic transformation of the characters into cosmic planets. The principles of functioning of the genre invariant make it possible to evaluate its role in the formation of the idea of world harmony, which is formed in the form of a line from the opera “Cardillac” to “Harmony of the World”.


Hindemith, invariant, genre, passacaglia, opera, finale, “Cardillac”, “Harmony of the World”
